Mitashi refrigerator error codes

Mitashi Refrigerator Error Codes

Mitashi Refrigerator Error Codes

Error Code Issue Solution
E1 Temperature sensor issue Check and reset the temperature sensor or control board.
E2 Freezer temperature issue Inspect the freezer thermostat and sensor; ensure the door seals properly.
dH Defrost system problem Reset the defrost cycle by unplugging the fridge for a few minutes.
dF Defrost heater issue Clean or inspect for blockage; consider a professional if the error persists.
22 Compressor relay issue Requires a technician; the relay may need replacement.
67 Door not closed correctly Ensure nothing blocks the door; check the door seal.
5E Defrost sensor failure Clean the defrost sensor area; if unresolved, consider a repair service.
CO Communication issue Power cycle the refrigerator; if unresolved, this might need control board inspection.
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