Samsung French door and Side by side dignosis

Samsung Refrigerator Fault Diagnosis

Samsung Side-by-Side Refrigerator Fault Diagnosis

Samsung side-by-side refrigerators can be complicated to diagnose during faults. Here is a guide on how to diagnose problems with side-by-side refrigerators, including other brands.

Refrigerator Fault Diagnosis

Common Problems and Solutions

1. Error Codes or Blinking LED Segments

If the refrigerator displays error codes such as “XXC” or “XXE” or if the LED segments are blinking:

Error codes Samsung refrigerator

Refrigerator Fault Diagnosis

Common Problems and Solutions

2. No Cooling in the Refrigerator

If error codes are not visible and the refrigerator is not cooling:

  1. Check the power supply and PCB status.
  2. Start the refrigerator and observe the compressor operation.

If the compressor is running: Inspect the refrigeration lines for gas leakage.

  • Look for oily lines or rusted areas, as these are common indicators of leakage (see the image for reference).

If no visible leakage: Check for a gas choke.

common leakage location

Refrigerator Troubleshooting Guide

Refrigerator Troubleshooting Guide

3. Checking for Gas Choke

To identify a gas choke:

  • Open the freezer and fridge compartment ducts and inspect the evaporator for inadequate frosting (see the image for a choked refrigerant).
  • If choking is suspected but not confirmed:
    • Cut the lines near the dryer filter and charging port.
    • If gas is present: The issue is choking.
    • If no gas is detected: Test for leakage using nitrogen.

4. Testing with Nitrogen

  • Apply nitrogen pressure at 150 PSI throughout the system.
  • If necessary, separate the condenser and evaporator lines (high and low sides) by blocking one side and connecting a gauge to the other.
  • Pressure guidelines:
    • Low-side pressure: Should not exceed 150 PSI.
    • High-side pressure: Should not exceed 250 PSI.
  • Check external lines using a soap solution.
  • Wait 2 to 24 hours to observe any pressure drop on the gauge.

Important: Never turn on the refrigerator while nitrogen pressure is applied in the system.

5. Cooling in Only One Side compartment

Measure the freezer and fridge compartment temperatures with a temperature meter:

  • Freezer temperature: -10°C to -23°C
  • Fridge temperature: 1°C to 12°C

If the temperatures do not meet these standards, inspect the following:

  • Fan motor operation.
  • Frost buildup on the evaporator.
  • Door fitting (ensure it closes properly).
  • Low refrigerant levels.
  • Faulty damper.

6. Frost Blockage on Evaporator

If the evaporator is blocked with frost:

  • Check the defrost sensor, heater, thermal fuse, and bimetallic components (if available).

Defrost issue symptoms

Frost on evaporator coil is defect, in which heater, thermal fuse, defrost sensor, and main pcb may be faulty.

Fan Motor Operation Check

Check Fan Motor Operation

The fan motor can be checked as follows:

  • Push the door switch with your hand to observe if the fan motor is visibly working. The fan motor generally starts along with the compressor.
  • If a magnetic door switch is installed:
    • Operate the switch using a magnet, or
    • Short both terminals of the switch.
  • Magnetic switches are typically press-fitted above or below the door.

fan motor in refrigerator may be faulty, above motor is AC motor working on 230v Ac, some fan motors works on dc 12V .

Smart Diagnosis Tools

Door Gaskets Check

If the door gasket is not fitted properly or becomes hard, it can cause low cooling problems.

Smart Diagnosis Tools for Samsung Refrigerators

We have designed Smart Diagnosis Tools for testing Samsung refrigerator components, including:

  • Sensor test
  • Fan motors test with feedback
  • Compressor test
  • Gas charging diagnosis
  • Inbuilt power and continuity test

Contact us via form filling if you are interested in buying this tool. Click here to contact us.

Click here to see smart dignosis tool

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