Godrej Washing machine error codes

How to check washing machine error

Washing machines generally display error codes or blink LED lights to indicate specific faults. Below is a list of errors and their related issues.Each error code corresponds to a specific fault, helping users or technicians diagnose and resolve the issue efficiently.

Error Codes

Error Codes Table

Error Code Description
EE Water Pressure sensor failure
E1 Water does not fill in tub within 15 minutes. Machine will display an error.
E2 Water does not drain from the machine. The display will show an error along with a beep.
E3 The lid is open. Machine will display an error along with a beep.
E4 There is load unbalance. The machine will try to balance it automatically. If the machine goes into unbalance next time, an error will be displayed.
E5 Child lock: If the lid is opened by a child, the machine will give an error along with a beep.

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