LLOYD Airconditioner error codes

Lloyd Inverter Air Conditioner Error Codes
Error Code Description Solution
E1 Indoor Unit Temperature Sensor Error Inspect and replace the indoor temperature sensor if faulty.
E2 Indoor Unit Pipe Sensor Error Check and replace the pipe temperature sensor in the indoor unit.
E3 Compressor Overload Protection Ensure the compressor is not overheating, and check for proper airflow around the unit.
E4 Outdoor Unit Temperature Sensor Error Inspect and replace the outdoor temperature sensor if necessary.
E5 Communication Error Between Indoor and Outdoor Units Check wiring connections between indoor and outdoor units; fix any loose connections.
E6 Refrigerant Leakage Detection Inspect for refrigerant leaks, repair any found, and recharge the system as necessary.
E7 High-Pressure Protection Look for blockages in the refrigerant lines and clear any obstructions.
E8 Low-Pressure Protection Ensure refrigerant levels are adequate; check for leaks and recharge if needed.
E9 Fan Motor Error Check the fan motor for proper operation; replace if the fan is malfunctioning.
F0 Overcurrent Protection Check the electrical supply for issues, and ensure no excessive current is being drawn.
F1 Indoor Ambient Temperature Sensor Error Check the indoor unit’s ambient temperature sensor; replace if necessary.
F2 Outdoor Ambient Temperature Sensor Error Check and replace the outdoor temperature sensor if faulty.
F3 Indoor Coil Temperature Sensor Error Inspect the indoor coil sensor and replace if needed.
F4 Outdoor Coil Temperature Sensor Error Inspect the outdoor coil sensor for faults; replace if necessary.
Lloyd Inverter AC Error Codes – MBM Tech Services Nashik

Lloyd Inverter Air Conditioner Error Codes

MBM Tech Services Nashik provides a comprehensive guide to troubleshooting Lloyd Inverter Air Conditioner error codes for effective repair solutions.

Error Code Defect Outdoor LED Blinks Solution
EE Indoor PCB fault 25 times Check and replace indoor PCB if necessary.
E1 Indoor fan motor error 26 times Inspect and repair the indoor fan motor.
E2 Indoor fan zero cross error 27 times Check the zero cross circuit in the indoor unit.
E3 Indoor sensor error with coil 28 times Replace the faulty indoor coil sensor.
E4 Indoor air sensor error 29 times Check or replace the indoor air temperature sensor.
E5 Gas leakage detected No blinks Fix the leak and recharge refrigerant.
E9 WiFi module error No blinks Reset or replace the WiFi module.
EH Humidity sensor error indoor No blinks Check or replace the humidity sensor.
E0 Outdoor PCB fault 1 time Replace the outdoor PCB if faulty.
E6 Communication error 2 times Verify communication wiring and connections.
F1 Compressor start error 4 times Inspect compressor and start components.
F2 Compressor out of step 5 times Check compressor control signals.
F3 IPM fault outdoor 6 times Inspect or replace the IPM (Inverter Power Module).
F4 Compressor faulty 7 times Repair or replace the compressor.
F5 Discharge temperature sensor error 8 times Replace the discharge temperature sensor.
F6 Suction temperature sensor error 9 times Replace the suction temperature sensor.
F7 Outdoor coil sensor error 10 times Check and replace the outdoor coil sensor.
F8 Outdoor ambient sensor error 11 times Replace the outdoor ambient temperature sensor.
F9 Outdoor fan motor error 12 times Inspect and repair the outdoor fan motor.
L3 Drive phase current overload 33 times Check drive components and phase currents.
L4 Phase current stepping error 34 times Inspect phase current regulation and drive signals.
CL Indoor filter clean error No blinks Clean or replace the indoor filter.
nf Filter replacement error No blinks Replace the filter as indicated.
P1 Outdoor current protection 13 times Check current draw and outdoor components.
P2 Compressor current protection 14 times Inspect compressor and electrical connections.
P3 Over voltage error 15 times Regulate incoming power voltage.
P4 DC voltage over low error 16 times Check the DC voltage supply.
P5 IPM outdoor over temperature protection 17 times Inspect cooling system for IPM.
P6 Discharge temperature protection 18 times Monitor discharge temperatures and adjust as needed.
P7 Cooling coil anti-freeze protection 19 times Prevent coil freezing by adjusting settings.
P8 Condenser overheat protection 20 times Ensure adequate cooling for condenser.
P9 Heating indoor coil overheat 21 times Check the indoor coil temperature and airflow.
PC Cooling outdoor temperature protection 22 times Verify outdoor temperature sensors and settings.
PH Outdoor heating protection 23 times Monitor outdoor Lloyd Air Conditioner Error Codes – MBM Tech Services Nashik

Lloyd Air Conditioner Error Codes

Comprehensive guide to troubleshooting Lloyd Air Conditioner error codes provided by MBM Tech Services Nashik. We offer reliable repair, installation, and maintenance services for Lloyd AC units.

Error Code Defect Outdoor LED Blinks Solution
L1 Drive bus protection 31 times Inspect the drive bus system for faults or overloading, and resolve the issue.
L2 Drive bus voltage error 32 times Check and stabilize the drive bus voltage. Ensure proper electrical connections.
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